The Halting Beginning

In so many things, getting started is the hardest part. Once you really get going, you’ll keep rolling with it. Blogging, I’ve found, is much the same. Consider this post the beginning of what I hope to be a fairly consistent stream of posts.

But it’s not just blogging. Being halfway through my undergraduate degree, it’s a time where I’m realising that one part of my life is ending, and another is beginning. Painfully slowly, and with all the consequences of change, but beginning nonetheless. I spent several hours this week looking up admission requirements for graduate programs, attempting to be well informed on what was necessary, and trying to see where I would possibly end up.

I’ve always been one for early preparation. I love to be well informed, and strive to achieve the most I can. Sometimes, however, I can’t help but wonder just how futile all my well laid plans may be. And if, in the end, that will really matter at all. Will my work experience really positively impact my grad school applications? Will my grades really positively impact my job searches in industry? Does anyone really know what exactly the best laid plan to success is?

I’ve come to the conclusion that success is what you make it. Whether it’s a slow start, a leap of faith, or the first post of a struggling blog, in the end no one will care but yourself. Does that make it any easier for me to remain calm about my future? Absolutely not. I’ll continue to freak out until I slow down one day, take a deep breath, and realise that I’m happy where I am.

Until then I’ll content myself with frantic emails to guidance counselors and bookmarking hundreds of university webpages.

Shall we Dance?

Everyone needs an outlet, don’t they. I’m going to take a chance and make mine a blog.

I have a friend who likes to write. I always wished I could. So let’s give it a shot, try my hand at some prose. Anyone who enjoys reading as much as I do should be able to throw together a few adjectives into some semblance of… something.

These posts might be snippets of my day. Maybe a thought I’ve had. Musings. I’ll just let it flow. I can’t imagine that I’ll be reaching many people, so I won’t lie. I’m starting this for me. because I need it.  In the words of Ernest Hemingway, a proverbial “end to journey toward” . Let’s hope that it is, as he says, the journey that really matters.

Because if all I’ve got going for me at the end is this blog that would be pretty dismal.